Tim & Tricia sanders, senior pastors

 Tim and Tricia Sanders came to Coon Rapids as Senior Pastors in December of 2008. Tim has always possessed a love for God’s Word and a desire to share the Word with others. Tricia was raised in a home that taught her how to love and serve others. They have been in ministry together since 1988, first serving as Youth Pastors in Dover, DE. They were Youth Pastors in Kansas City, MO for seven years and assisted in Kansas City for another nine years. They felt the call of God to serve as Senior Pastors at Spirit of Grace Church in December of 2008. They have raised two wonderful boys in this church, who are now actively serving God at Spirit of Grace Church as well. Pastors have a strong desire to see people grow in their personal relationship with Jesus and to not only survive but thrive. Their door is always open, and they look forward to where God leads them and the church!


Tarryn Soberg-Esparza, administrative assistant

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Jen Gilbert, assistant to the pastors

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randy esparza, family ministries Director


jon joyner, Missions Director


Cheryl perkins, Hospitality Ministries Director


Owen Sanders, nextgen director


tricia sanders, creative arts director


kim welsh, events director
