come as you are!!!
Whether you have everything together or are in disarray, now is the time to be with the Ladies of the Lord!
“Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be Praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)
S.G.C.’s “Come As You Are” (CAYA) Women’s Ministry strives to live beyond ourselves by extending “grace” to all in our word and in our actions by embracing women where they are in life.
We gather together to build up and encourage one another through our monthly meetings of fun. food and fellowship, Bible studies, fun events and through continuous prayer throughout the week. We strive to learn more about God, who He is, and the grace that is given through Jesus Christ to us and through us to others. If you are interested in growing with other ladies, “Come As You Are” is definitely for you!